Realtime Reporting

What is Realtime Reporting?

Realtime is a value-added service provided by our court reporters. With realtime technology, we are able to convert  our stenographic notes to text and wirelessly transmit that text, enabling lawyers, experts, witnesses and the Court immediate access to testimony as it is being given.  The parties need not even be in the same room.


Advantages of Realtime Reporting

  • Attend a proceeding from your office or a remote location, or have an expert or co-counsel attend from their own office, saving travel costs.

  • Spend time concentrating on the testimony and not note-taking.

  • Search testimony for specific words or phrases.

  • Insert notes for later reference.

  • Clear up confusion in testimony instantly.

  • Connect at any point during the proceeding and still receive all the testimony given to that point.

  • Experience all of the court reporter’s editing changes update instantly on your screen.

  • Provide a deaf or hard-of-hearing participant the ability to follow along.


Get immediate access to testimony, from anywhere with an internet connection.

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